Sunday, October 31, 2010


People ,like homing pigeons flock, if at all, stand on a single topic to debate…it would definitely be the disparities between guys n gals….coz it has got infinite points to point out and many lively instances to fuel them. So, my maiden heart, decided to take up a pen and start writing this. To begin with…

Guys: don’t talk, so the meaning is imagined the worst
Gals: talk a lot, that confuses others the most (ultimately no
one conveys a thing appropriately)

* Guys: are live wires, full of life...a sort of extreme people at
Gals: are confined with their own principles, so seem to be
introverts. But if properly visualized, even they are dynamites

* Guys: very easy to make friends for life
Gals: very rigid in the inception, but once gets the assurance,
never tries to look back for friendship

*Guys: with the large circle of friends , where open secrets, run
most of the time
Gals: albeit having a large circle of friends, only a few heart
close ones prevail (secrets are actually secrets here)

* Guys: need to learn to give
Gals: need to learn to receive

* Guys: in any relation the expected factors are trust and
Gals: here the factors are caring and understanding

* Guys: love the present time more than anything else
Gals: are a bit nostalgic for the g’old’en days, at the same time,
live the present moment to the max possible

* Guys: words are candid and often outspoken
Gals: words have a few teaspoonfuls of emotion

* Guys: inner meaning is assimilated easily
Gals: inner views are unleashed many a time

Men and women aren’t from mars and venus,but both are from
planet earth.

We’re not the opposite poles, but the poles of opposite panoramas.

We have far more in common with each other than we have differences…

Friday, September 17, 2010


Naively this is the feeling, every girl child owns.
Dad… (Original mode is naanna …)
Probably the best word articulated till date…
Encompassing many forms – daddy, papa, bapu…but the same warmth, same glamour, same intoxication…

Dad’s are always elite because
He’s the one and only one

Who can assure his presence in any predicaments
Who can sense the total issue merely looking into your unusual eyes
Who always have some energy left to reduce your burdens
Who can cheer you up in any situation
Who strongly believes in your convictions
Who visualizes you, still as his little girl, running around
Who always gives priority to you over anyone, sometimes even more than mom !!!
Who has million tones of reliance upon you…
Who plays the stellar role in building a very strong personality of ours’
Who admires, adores every stupid act of ours, and with a keen observation, tries to channelize them to some purposeful act
Who aids to extend our vision in a global way (not local) towards any stuff in the society
And …

Finally who is mandatory for a girl's life to be complete....
is called as ' DAD'...

Sometimes as per our professional career demands, we are supposed to stay away from our beloved…
Life goes on , waiting and worrying for none…

Still…I miss that gentle smile that wakes me up daily
I miss that moral support of having him my side
I miss the small altercations with him; most of them are silly enough
I miss the lovely, speechless moments , sitting abreast him
Finally I miss that cuddle which always implies that
     “I’m always with you, my child”…

Dads are very practical. I digested this when my dad, at some instance told me “Relations are the only things which persist for a very short time …but never ever try to lose them, coz they are the elixir of life”. Profound right!

Dads  are  playful…but in which domination of discipline is observed…weird but true !!!

Dads are very amicable, affable and can be tagged as one’s dandy alterego.
Being the mainstay of the family, managing all the things in the dextered way possible…, dad still has time to  sense our maidenly feelings…
 If English permits me, I would like  to say that my dad is the best’est dad ever seen…
Love you dad…
Miss you…

P.S.  I can definitely tell that this song drives you back to your childhood and recall how precious your dad is…..
Aatala  paatala…(AAKAASAMANTHA)

Friday, August 20, 2010

MM - Movie Maniac

Hmm…this is my sobriquet…this is how many of my pals tag me…so, another article …done!!!

But writing, like all forms of communication, is a universal urge…

“We write only because we MUST, even it hurts”…

That’s why, took up this weird, crazy topic…only because just love it… :-)

Although it’s a relatively young art form, cinema is one of the most lucrative and important cultural phenomena’s in the world. Most of us spend thousands of bucks each weekend seeing the latest flicks, even when the economy is tanking. (The so called recession) 


Well, a guy said it best (extracted from his article): “It’s not the rocket science…not the quantum physics… People want to forget their troubles, and they want to be with other people.”

So…we got our answer…

I’m trying to drive my point home…only regarding the worthy movies…not the bland ones which generally expose only the luring “love”…that too in an erratic manner…

A perfect cinema…according to me… must be a perfect blend of all our emotions…it must be a true replica of our real life…

But practicality doesn’t work everywhere…inspiring, thought provoking ideas with a proper mix of creativity are expected…unlike our monotonous conventional movies…

For example…let’s consider a sale caption…something like “For sale: baby shoes…”
But if it’s like “For sale: baby shoes, never used…” it will definitely attract the customers…the same logic can be applied here…

Presenting a pre-proposed idea in an communicative way…it has to bring out a remarkable change in the audience…slowly or within a short span…

On a more basic level, it’s how we burn off our extra energy and kill extra time…in a productive way… (If we can properly visualize the things… practically)

Ultimately, movies, if can be interpreted in a perfect way…are best sources of life sciences…

Speaking of unimaginable no’s there are about 6.8 billion of us roaming on this planet , and we each have a story 2 tell. This is mine and what’s yours?

(Dedicated to all my anti-movie friends … :-) )

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hey! I have an idea. Instead of the same routine stories we often hear about, why don’t we try something purposeful? Something that is from our real life experiences… 
        Not everything fits into neat little boxes, especially not our ‘random thoughts’ and the feelings of the day… it requires toil, to put your ideas in a rhetoric manner…
    So, this thought of mine provoked me to start this article. Now we will go about something which is ought to be with every one…
SELF ESTEEM                  
Self esteem-to be precise enough just requires three steps
·       Understanding yourself
·       Believing in yourself
·       Accessing your strengths
Most of the times, people, though having grit, get deprived of success only due to lack of self esteem…
But we can make ourselves unique
For that a few tips will aid a lot. Here they are…
1.    Appreciate self:  Have respect and care for yourself as you have for others. Feel that you are the best creature ever possible on this planet…

2.  Beware of –ve self talk:  Don’t ponder much regarding your looks, skills. Always resist the temptation to criticize yourself. Never ever let anything intrude your morale …

3.  Focus on your attributes:  Be contented with what you are right now (I mean development should be there, but depression  is to be avoided)

4.  Develop  competency:  Set goals, no matter  how high they are , because, aiming high is an appreciable thing. Once u start working, you  will come to know the practically achievable tasks and then, NO ONE is gonna stop u…

5.  Empower yourself:  Trust your own judgements…make worthy considerations. And strictly, no babbling to your mates regarding your weak points or probably the areas in which u r not strong enough, for reason is quite obvious !

                         To conclude guys,

Hmm…It would be better if you conclude this…
Start concluding and if possible let me know that…

But remember one thing…



Keep It Simple Stupid…   ;)     :-)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The first one of its kind....

Finally I've made it! I never ever expected that I'll have a blog of my own and expose it before my well wishers and friends like you.
If you really love reading stories about people who initially hated blogging, here you go, I think this will serve the purpose.

* First I've wondered : " What's a blog? "
* Second : " Why should I care ? No, it’s not my cup of tea .."
* Third : "Okay, I get it !! Blogs are pretty interesting...."
* Fourth :  Finally ( assimilation completed ) : " I started a blog "...

This business changed my perceptions towards blogging and made me realise the fact that

" If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change..."

Hoping that this bumbling amateur will transform into an accomplished virtuoso soon.....